Perl Script to find intersection of lines in two files
#!/usr/bin/perl #/* Author : ~rAGU () */ # /*Descripation: A script to find the intersection set of the lines in two text files */ # /* when one of the file is a subset of the other */ # /* */ # 2004 open(SET, @ARGV[0]); $isInSubset = 0; $count = 0; while ($lineInSet = ) { chop($lineInSet); #$lineInSet = ~s / ^ \s * (.* ? )\ s * $ / $1 / ; $count++; $counts = 0; open(SUBSET, @ARGV[1]); while ($lineInSubset = ) { $counts++; chop($lineInSubset); #$lineInSubset = ~s / ^ \s * (.* ? )\ s * $ / $1 / ; if ($lineInSet eq $lineInSubset) { $isInSubset = 1; ...